Upper School

Upper School

In the Upper School (ages 11 to 16) the medium of instruction continues to be English and Welsh is taught in timetabled lessons. Learners in Year 10 and Year 11 follow a full GCSE course in Welsh.

The curriculum is tailored to meet the requirements of each learner. Teaching and learning reflect the unique character, circumstances and ethos of the school and the community it serves.

The school will also strive to gradually introduce the Successful Futures curriculum due to be introduced in schools from September 2022.

CURRICULUM FOR YEAR 7 to YEAR 9 for 2019 – 2020

All learners follow a full curriculum including:

Religious Education, English, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, Welsh, French, Physical Education, Design & Technology, Art, Music, Drama and Personal and Social Education.

Literacy, Numeracy and Digital Competence Frameworks are incorporated in the learning programmes.


All learners follow a full curriculum including:

Religious Education, English, Mathematics, Science, Welsh, Physical Education, the Skills Challenge and Personal and Social Education. Optional subjects include French, History, Geography, Design & Technology, Art, Music, Drama and vocational subjects provided in partnership with Rhyl College.

Literacy, Numeracy and Digital Competence Frameworks are incorporated in the learning programmes.

Christ the Word Catholic School is an English medium school which warmly embraces all opportunities to develop skills in the Welsh Language.

Welsh is used as a language of communication with and between the learners in formal and informal situations, improving their capacity to use everyday Welsh.

The school welcomes learners with a range of languages and we seek to communicate with parents and carers either in English or in the language of choice.