If your child is too ill to attend school you need to let the school know by phoning the school office on 01745 352999 before 8.35am if possible. You need to let us know the reason for the absence and how long your child will be absent from school. You will need to phone on a daily basis if your child is absent for more than one day.
If you have any concerns about your child’s attendance, then please speak to staff in school for advice and support.
Please let school know in advance if your child has a medical or dental appointment during school time.
It is important that parents and carers avoid taking their child out of school during term-time. There are 190 statutory school days in a year. This leaves 175 days (weekends and school holidays) available to use for holidays outside school time, which would not have a negative effect on a child’s education. Every day at school is important for all children.
A list of all term and holiday dates is shown below. Parents and carers need to ask for permission for planned absences, including holidays during term time, by completing an ‘absence request form’. This needs to be returned to school before any absence.
What if my child has an appointment?
If your child has a medical appointment then it is the responsibility of the parent/guardians to notify staff of this. We advise if possible for all appointments to be scheduled outside of school time, we understand however that this is not always possible.
Communication is key
Communicating reasons for absence is extremely important, and it is the responsibility of the parent/ carer to do this. This can help avoid potential fines (FPN) as well ensuring that school can help support you and your child if needs be.
What is a Fixed Penalty Notice? (FPN)
If your child has had 10 unauthorised sessions in school (equivalent to 5 days of school), meaning that no reason has been given for 5 days absence, a warning letter may be be sent out following this, if the absences continue and no reason is provided by parent/carer and this reaches 20 sessions of absence (10 days) a fine may be issued to the parent/carer, this also includes unauthorised holiday requests. Ways to avoid this escalation is to speak openly and honestly with the school and attendance team and work in partnership with the school to encourage good attendance.
Attendance Team
Joe White Attendance Lead / Deputy Headteacher
Lauretta Stewart – Attendance Officer and Safeguarding Support.
New Attendance Policy Oct 2024
Fixed Penalty Notice Information (PDF)
CTW: New Policy Launch Newsletter 1 New Policy Launch 071024v3
Christ the Word Catholic School will build on the ethos, success and achievements at the core of education provision across the Diocese. It will be a strong and nurturing learning community.
This fantastic new school will help us achieve our goal of providing modern facilities across Denbighshire that further enhance pupils’ learning.
I am delighted that the partnership of Welsh Government, Denbighshire County Council and the Catholic Church will deliver a brand new school to serve the families of Rhyl and the surrounding parishes.