School Leadership

School Leadership

Leading Learners

All learners are encouraged to develop leadership skills. Leadership is recognised through a wide range of opportunities to become Leading Learners in Christ the Word Catholic School.

There are many roles to suit different interests, including subject and year group representatives, School Council members and representatives on the Governing Body.

All learners have an opportunity to become a Leading Learner in an area or subject that engages, enthuses and interests them, for example they could become a Leading Learner in Drama, Maths or KS2.

Senior Leadership Team

The Senior Leadership Team is responsible for the management of all aspects of the school on a day-to-day basis, under the oversight of the Governing Body.

Bernadette Thomas Interim Headteacher
Joe White Deputy Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead
Lucy Feliciello Deputy Headteacher
Rhian Austin Assistant Headteacher
Anita Baker Business and Finance Manager
Pamela Everley PA to SLT