

By wearing the uniform learners show their pride in being a member of Christ the Word Catholic School. The uniform should be worn smartly throughout each school day, during journeys to and from school and for other formal school events.

PE uniform – The school PE kit is very important.  Please ensure your child has the following kit.  If you need support please speak to the head of PE Mr Mike Rogers.

It is not compulsory to have the school logo on shirts or tops, shorts/cycling shorts should be mid-thigh in length, commercial logos should be small if visible and kit should be school PE kit colours.

We look for the support of parents and carers in ensuring that learners keep to our uniform expectations. The uniform policy applies to all ages, from Nursery to Year 11.

-All black shoes or trainers
-Plain grey tailored trousers or school tartan skirt
-Plain white shirt and school tie
-School jumper and/or blazer (blazer for upper school only)

PE uniform:
-School plain navy or black shorts, skort, sports leggings or tracksuit bottoms
-White PE polo shirt (lower school)
-Blue PE polo shirt (upper school, KS3 Yrs 7-9)
-School blue PE hoodie or school 3/4 zip tracksuit top (upper school only)
-Year 10 and 11 can wear dark blue or black tracksuit bottoms and a plain black t-shirt or polo shirt; school blue hoodie or school 3/4 zip tracksuit top

Shops such as ASDA, Marks and Spencer and Tesco stock the basic items such as grey school trousers and white shirt. The items that are unique to Christ the Word can be purchased from:

  • Jean Emporium, Sussex Street, Rhyl LL18 1SE
    Tel: 01745 360480, Facebook Jean Emporium Schoolwear
    Email: jeanemporium@yahoo.co.uk

If your child is going into Reception, Year 7 or Year 10 in September and you receive a qualifying benefit (below), you may be entitled to a grant of £200 towards the cost of their school uniform.

  • Income support
  • Income based job seekers allowance
  • Income related employment and support allowance
  • Child tax credit (but not working tax credit) with an annual income below £16,190
  • Pension credit (guaranteed credit)
  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • Universal Credit

You cannot receive a school uniform grant if you are in receipt of Working Tax Credit.

We will be supporting a “recycling uniform” shop to keep costs down for all and to take an
eco-friendly approach.

You can apply for a grant here.