Christ the Word Catholic School implements a positive and comprehensive ‘Anti-Bullying’ Policy, developed in consultation with the School Council.
Any incidents of bullying are taken seriously, recorded and dealt with swiftly.
Learners are encouraged to be kind and to respect one another. The school’s pastoral team supports learners to know what is right and wrong in their relationships with others and to report any incidents that might result in bullying.
As a school we celebrate friendship, inclusion and acceptance, supporting learners to respect others within and beyond the school community.
Anti Bullying Policy This will be available soon .
There is some really good advice on the Childline website
Christ the Word Catholic School will build on the ethos, success and achievements at the core of education provision across the Diocese. It will be a strong and nurturing learning community.
This fantastic new school will help us achieve our goal of providing modern facilities across Denbighshire that further enhance pupils’ learning.
I am delighted that the partnership of Welsh Government, Denbighshire County Council and the Catholic Church will deliver a brand new school to serve the families of Rhyl and the surrounding parishes.