Healthy Living

Healthy Living

At Christ the Word Catholic School we promote good health, positive behaviour and we strive for excellence across all aspects of school life. We encourage learners to take part in sport and social activities outside lessons and provide a balanced programme of extra curricular activities.

Learners and staff have fresh drinking water available during the day.

We want our learners to eat well so that they can concentrate in lessons, as well as learning about healthy foods

The food at the Christ the Word Catholic School is provided by Denbighshire Catering Services and is of the very highest quality. ​ We provide an optional fruit shop for the Lower School, at break time together with a variety of healthy snacks and healthy hot food in the Dining Room. There is a full range of choices at lunchtime.

The staff of the Dining Room will appreciate feedback from learners through the School Council.

Payment will be made using a cashless payment system.

If you are in receipt of certain benefits and have a household income which does not exceed the current Government threshold, you could be entitled to free schools meals for your child saving you over £300 per year.

  • Income Support
  • Job seekers allowance (income based)
  • Employment and Support Allowance (Income Related)
  • Child tax credit with an annual income which does not exceed £16,040 and NOT claiming Working Tax Credit
  • Guarantee element of a State Pension Credit
  • Children who receive income Support or Job Seekers Allowance (income based) in their own right.
  • Asylum Seekers receiving support provided under part 6 of the immigration and Asylum act 1999.

For further information or to register, please call 01824 706316 / 706312 / 706302 or ​ Email

Once you have applied and been granted free school meals for your children you do not need to re-apply ​ annually, this will be amended with any changes to your income.

Free school meals forms are also available from school.

Learners who bring their own snacks and lunches into school will eat in the Dining Room with the other students. ​ In the interest of safety, no-one is to bring glass containers to school. We operate a ‘no nuts’ policy and ask that learners do not bring foods that include nuts into school or share foods with others.