Staff and Governors

Staff and Governors




Mr. Neil Foley Executive Headteacher
Miss Lucy Feliciello Deputy Headteacher
Mr. Joe White Deputy Headteacher
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs. Rhian Austin Assistant Headteacher

Governors of Ysgol Gatholig Crist y Gair / Christ the Word Catholic School

Nominations are invited for two Foundation Parent Governors.  Please complete a nomination form if you would like to join our Governing Body.

Download the advertisement and nomination form

The Governors are:

Foundation Governors

John Droog, Chair of Governors

Catherine McCormack
Sue Sidlow
Victoria Flynn
Fr Anthony Nnamah
Kay O’Hanlon
Rowena Nield

Local Authority Governors

Julian Molloy – Vice Chair

Teacher Governors

Emma Mills
Tracey Noakes

Staff Governors

Jackie Weir

Parent  Foundation Governor

Gaynor Steel
2 vacancies

Parent Governor

Gill Howe

2 vacancies

Community Governor

Councillor Alexander Walker

Governors Appointed by Denbighshire County Council

Lisa Atherton – Safeguarding Governor

Governors Code of Conduct

Annual Governance Statement