If you wish to transfer your child from their current school to Christ the Word Catholic School, you can apply for a change of schools. If the change is not related to a house move, speak to your child’s current Headteacher first.
There is no guarantee that we can offer you a place. You should not remove your child from their current school before you have an offer of a place at Christ the Word Catholic School.
If you are successful, your child will start at the beginning of the next term or half-term, whichever is sooner.
We will process your application within 15 school days. If you are unsuccessful in gaining a place, we will write to you to explain why.
Gov.Wales school admissions guidance and services
Denbighshire County Council free school transport information
What happens to my information?
Christ the Word Catholic School collects your personal information to provide you with services relevant to your request. For further information about how we handle personal information, please view our privacy notice below.
Please read these important notes and tick to confirm that you understand and agree before you complete this application for a school place:
♦ This application form can only be completed by the legal parent, carer or guardian of the child.
♦ Where there is shared parental responsibility, both parents should be in agreement about this application. It is the parents’ responsibility to come to this agreement.
♦ Please refer to Denbighshire County Council’s information relating to free school transport.
Please complete the form below. If you would like a copy of the application form in Welsh, please contact the school office.
Christ the Word Catholic School will build on the ethos, success and achievements at the core of education provision across the Diocese. It will be a strong and nurturing learning community.
This fantastic new school will help us achieve our goal of providing modern facilities across Denbighshire that further enhance pupils’ learning.
I am delighted that the partnership of Welsh Government, Denbighshire County Council and the Catholic Church will deliver a brand new school to serve the families of Rhyl and the surrounding parishes.